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How can a Foreign Company set up a Indian Subsidiary Company in India?

As India is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, many foreign companies and ventures are showing keen interest in starting their operations in our country. A Foreign national (except those holding citizenship of Bangladesh or Pakistan) or any company incorporated outside India is to allowed to make investment…
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How to set up a Project Office in India?

How to set up a Project Office in India?

Project office is a place of business that represents the interests of the foreign company to undertake a project in India. A Project office helps the companies to establish their business presence in India for a specific period of time. It can be referred to as a branch office that…
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How to set up a Liaison/Branch Office in India?

Recently, India has become a hot spot for various foreign entities who are showing keen interest in establishing their business operations in India by tapping the growing Indian economy as well as getting access to the best human resources in the world. RBI in this matter has issued various guidelines…
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Difference between Trademark Objection and Trademark Opposition

A Trademark is a kind of intellectual property which can be a name, logo, slogan and numerical or any symbol which distinguishes its goods or services from the other goods or services. The owner of a trademark can be an individual, firm, company or any other legal entity. A Trademark…
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How to Start a Public Limited Company in India?

When we talk about a Public Limited Company, it is somehow different from a normal Private Limited Company. Public Limited Company is such form of a company whose shares are freely sold and can be offered to the general public, which is not in the case of a Private Limited…
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Process of Copyright Registration in India

A Copyright is an essential right that prevents any other person not to copy someone’s work. A Copyright lets the owner an exclusive right on his work. If your work is protected by copyright, then no other person can copy, imitate, or reproduce your original work in any other illegal…
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